EShop Titles

EShop Titles

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Overview #

This titleID-High (00040000) is also used for gamecard applications. The CXI for retail applications available via gamecard and eShop are exactly the same, except the exheader differs. For SD applications exheader_systeminfoflags.flag bit1 is set, for gamecard applications this bit is clear. The ExeFS and RomFS are exactly the same for the gamecard/eShop versions. The eShop version of the CXI has additional padding.

When mounting the gamecard, the NATIVE_FIRM code compares the gamecard programID with the application programIDs for each region of Ridge Racer. When the gamecard programID matches the Ridge Racer programID, this code will set a flag, however it’s unknown what this flag is used for. This is probably used for the Ridge Racer fix implemented with 2.1.0-3.

List #

TitleID LowRegionDescriptionVersions
00032600ALLPokédex 3Dv0, v16
00040800USASuper Mario Landv16, v32
00040A00EURSuper Mario Landv16, v32
00042A00EURThe Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening DXv0, v16
0004AA00USANintendo Videov0
0004AB00EURNintendo Videov0, v3072, v3172
00051600JPNSwapnotev0, v1024, v2064
00051700USASwapnotev0, v1024, v2064
00051800EURNintendo Letter Boxv0, v1024, v2064
00056C00JPNFlipnote Studio 3Dv64, v2192
00057700USANetflixv0, v32
0005AD00JPNKid Icarus Uprising E3 Videov0
0005AE00USAKid Icarus Uprising E3 Videov0
0005AF00JPNPaper Mario E3 Videov0
0005B000USAPaper Mario E3 Videov0
0005B100JPNMario Kart E3 Videov0
0005B200USAMario Kart E3 Videov0
0005B300JPNAnimal Crossing E3 Videov0
0005B400USAAnimal Crossing E3 Videov0
0005B500JPNLuigi’s Mansion 2 E3 Videov0
0005B600USALuigi’s Mansion 2 E3 Videov0
0005B700JPNZelda Ocarina of Time E3 Videov0
0005B800USAZelda Ocarina of Time E3 Videov0
0005B900JPNSuper Mario E3 Videov0
0005BA00USASuper Mario E3 Videov0
0005BB00JPNMGS Snake Eater 3D E3 Videov0
0005BC00USAMGS Snake Eater 3D E3 Videov32
0005BD00JPNBiohazard Revelations E3 Videov16
0005BE00USAResident Evil Revelations E3 Videov32
0005BF00JPNStarfox 64 3D E3 Videov0
0005EA00EURGreen Lantern 3D Trailer Videov0, v16
0005F000USAGreen Lantern 3D Trailer Videov0, v16
00060F00EURPyramids (?)v0, v16
00062400EURKid Icarus Uprising E3 Videov0
00062700EURPaper Mario E3 Videov0
00062A00EURMario Kart E3 Videov0
00062D00EURAnimal Crossing E3 Videov0
00063000EURLuigi’s Mansion 2 E3 Videov0
00063300EURZelda Ocarina of Time E3 Videov0
00063600EURSuper Mario E3 Videov0
00063900EURMGS Snake Eater 3D E3 Videov0
00063C00EURResident Evil Revelations E3 Videov0
00068F00EURPullbloxv16, v32
0006E400JPNSuper Mario Bros.v0, v1024
0006E500USASuper Mario Bros.v0, v1024
0006E600EURSuper Mario Bros.v0, v1024
0006ED00JPNMetroidv0, v1040
0006EE00USAMetroidv0, v1024
0006EF00EURMetroidv0, v1024
0006F000JPNThe Legend of Zeldav0, v1040
0006F100USAThe Legend of Zeldav0, v1024
0006F200EURThe Legend of Zeldav0, v1024
0006F600JPNWrecking Crewv0, v1024
0006F700USAWrecking Crewv0, v1024
0006F800EURWrecking Crewv0, 16
0006F900JPNNES Open Tournament Golfv0, v1024
0006FA00USANES Open Tournament Golfv0, v1024
0006FB00EURNES Open Tournament Golfv0, v1024
0006FF00JPNDonkey Kong Jr.v0, v1024
00070000USADonkey Kong Jr.v0, v1024
00070100EURDonkey Kong Jr.v0, v1024
00070200JPNBalloon Fightv0, v1024
00070300USABalloon Fightv0, v16
00070400EURBalloon Fightv0, v16
00070500JPNIce Climberv0, v2048
00070600USAIce Climberv0, v1024
00070700EURIce Climberv0, v32
00070800JPNZelda II: The Adventure of Linkv0, v1024
00070900USAZelda II: The Adventure of Linkv0, v1024
00070A00EURZelda II: The Adventure of Linkv0, v1024
00071100JPNYoshiv0, v1024
00071200USAYoshiv0, v1024
00071300EURYoshiv0, v32
00072400EURAmbassador Certificatev0, v16
00072500USAAmbassador Certificatev0, v16
00074800JPNF-Zero: Maximum Velocityv0, v16
00074900USAF-Zero: Maximum Velocityv0, v16
00074A00EURF-Zero: Maximum Velocityv0, v16
00074B00JPNMario Kart: Super Circuitv0, v16
00074C00USAMario Kart: Super Circuitv0, v16
00074D00EURMario Kart: Super Circuitv0, v32
00074E00JPNWario Land 4v0, v16
00074F00USAWario Land 4v0, v16
00075000EURWario Land 4v0, v16
00075200JPNYoshi’s Island: Super Mario Advance 3v0, v32
00075300USAYoshi’s Island: Super Mario Advance 3v0, v16
00075400EURYoshi’s Island: Super Mario Advance 3v0, v16
00075500JPNMetroid Fusionv0, v32
00075600USAMetroid Fusionv0, v16
00075700EURMetroid Fusionv0, v16
00075800JPNWarioWare Inc: Mega Microgamev0, v16
00075900USAWarioWare Inc: Mega Microgamev0, v16
00075A00EURWarioWare Inc: Mega Microgamev0, v16
00075B00JPNKirby & The Amazing Mirrorv0, v16
00075C00USAKirby & The Amazing Mirrorv0, v16
00075D00EURKirby & The Amazing Mirrorv0, v16
00076600JPNMario vs Donkey Kongv0, v16
00076700USAMario vs Donkey Kongv0, v16
00076800EURMario vs Donkey Kongv0, v16
00076900JPNFire Emblem: The Sacred Stonesv0, v16
00076A00USAFire Emblem: The Sacred Stonesv0, v16
00076B00EURFire Emblem: The Sacred Stonesv0, v16
00076C00JPNThe Legend of Zelda: The Minish Capv0, v16
00076D00USAThe Legend of Zelda: The Minish Capv0, v16
00076E00EURThe Legend of Zelda: The Minish Capv0, v16
00079C00USAPreview Video: Animal Crossingv0
0007AB00EUREurosportv0, v16
00080F00EURMario & Sonic - London 2012 Virtual Card Albumv0
000ACF00EURPreview Video: Paper Mario: Sticker Starv0, v16
000AD000EURPreview Video: Luigi Mansion: Dark Moonv0, v16
000AD100EURPreview Video: New Super Mario Bros. 2v0, v16
000AE100ALLPokemon Dream Radarv0, v16
000C7300ALLSave Data Transfer Toolv0
000B0F00USAYouTubev16, v1056, v2096 (released (about/exactly?) October 15, 2015)
000CCE00USADonkey Kong Country Returns 3Dv48
000CCD00EURYouTubev0, v1040, v2080 (released (about/exactly?) October 15, 2015)
000D9A00EURDonkey Kong Country Returns 3D: Trailerv16
0015D800USAIRONFALL Invasionv0 (content files removed on roughly 7 January 16), v2080
0011D600EURPikmin Short Movies 3Dv0
000B4600JPNPhotos with Mariov0
00137F00EURNew SUPER MARIO BROS. 2: Special Editionv16
00137E00USANew Super Mario Bros. 2: Gold Editionv0,
00137F00JPNNew Super Mario Bros. 2: Gold Editionv16
00143300KORNew Super Mario Bros. 2: Gold Editionv0
00143400TWNNew Super Mario Bros. 2: Gold Editionv0
0007AE00USANew Super Mario Bros. 2v16
0007AF00EURNew Super Mario Bros. 2v0
0007AD00JPNNew Super Mario Bros. 2v32
00053F00EURSuper Mario 3D Landv16
00054000USASuper Mario 3D Landv48
00054100JPNSuper Mario 3D Landv16
00089D00KORSuper Mario 3D Landv0
000a5d00JPNPaper Mario: Sticker Starv0
000a5e00USAPaper Mario: Sticker Starv0
000B8A00TWNNew Super Mario Bros. 2v0
000b8900KORNew Super Mario Bros. 2v0
00030700EURMario Kart 7v2112
00030A00KORMario Kart 7v2048 (lesser ones haven’t been checked)
0f701400ALLSuper Mario Kartv0
00182200USAThe Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes (demo)v0
00182300EURThe Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes (demo)v0
00182100JPNThe Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes (demo)v0
00031B00JPNパイロットウイングス リゾートv48
00031C00USAPilotwings Resortv32
00031D00EURPilotwings Resortv16
000D7C00JPNSteel Diver: Sub Warsv0
000D7D00USASteel Diver: Sub Warsv0
000D7E00EURSteel Diver: Sub Warsv0
00196F00ALLKirby’s Blowout Blastv0
00197000KORKirby’s Blowout Blastv0
00153500USANintendo Badge Arcadev4096