PNEL is a file format that is used by Puzzle Swap of StreetPass Mii Plaza for loading additional puzzles to the 7 default ones. PNEL probably stands for Panel.

File Format #

0x000x04Magic word “PNEL”
0x040x04Magic word “0800”. Probably last 4 digits of the japanese title ID.
0x080x04Number of puzzles
0x0C0x04Unknown. Always 0x00000001
0x100x04CRC-32 over the 0x14 bytes of the header with this field being 0.

After the header the first additional puzzle begins.

Puzzle Entry #

0x000x04Order number. First puzzle is a 7 because 0-6 are the preinstalled puzzles
0x040x04CRC-32 over the 0xC30 bytes of the puzzle entry with this field beeing 0.
0x080x04Absolut offset of start of puzzle image
0x0C0x04Absolut offset of start of puzzle settings
0x100x04Absolut offset of start of puzzle model/figure
0x140x04Size of puzzle image
0x180x04Size of puzzle settings
0x1C0x04Size of puzzle model/figure
0x200x04CRC-32 over data of the puzzle image
0x240x04CRC-32 over data of the puzzle settings
0x280x04CRC-32 over data of the puzzle model/figure
0x2C0xC00Name of the puzzle in different languages
0xC2C0x01ID of number of puzzle pieces: 0 => 15 pieces; 1 => 24 pieces; 2 => 40 pieces; 3 => 540 pieces
0xC2D0x01Pink puzzle pieces
0xC2E0x02Unknown or Padding

The data of the image, settings and model/figure are always padded at the end with 0x00 until size is divisible by 4 (4 byte alignment). These padding bytes are not part of the CRC-32 calculation

For more information about the (pink) puzzle piece IDs see πŸ”—

After all puzzle entries the data of the image of the first puzzle entry begins followed by settings data and then by the model data. Then the second puzzle image data begins followed by settings data and then by the model data. And so on… As already mentioned every single data is 4 byte aligned.

Image Data #

The image data is a 512x256 pixel image in a CGFX container.

Settings Data #

Unknown format.

Model Data #

The model data is in a CGFX container.

Tools #

category:File formats