

Request #

Index WordDescription
0Header code [0x000200C0]
1-2u64, Title ID
3Launch Flags

Response #

Index WordDescription
0Header code
1Result code
2Process ID

Description #

This is a wrapper for PMApp:LaunchTitle. The MediaType is determined by the input title ID. The Game Card MediaType is used when the input title ID is zero. The NAND MediaType is used when the input title ID has the content category system flag set, otherwise the SD MediaType is used.

The launch flags passed to PMApp:LaunchTitle have bit 0 cleared (normal application) and bit 1 set (load dependencies)

Home Menu only uses this command for launching system modules.

This won’t relaunch titles which are already running(PID won’t change), hence this can also be used to get the PID of already running processes.