NFC Adapter

NFC Adapter

The Nintendo NFC adapter, formally Nintendo NFC Reader/Writer and codenamed Fangate, is an external device which adds NFC capabilities for amiibos to old Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo 2DS consoles, using the infrared port on the back of the console.

It launched simultaneously with Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer, with which it’s optionally bundled; it can also be bought standalone at a nominal price of 21 €.


Technical details #

Based on analysis of the fangate_updater.bin file, which is part of the old Nintendo 3DS operating system since 9.3.0-21 and contains the firmware running on the external adapter; and analysis of the NFC Services running on old 3DS.

  • SOC inside the adapter: Broadcom BCM20791B1 or ST proprietary “MCU-FGT/rev.A/GH24S VQ”
  • CPU: ARM Cortex M0
  • Communications: infrared, with ir:USER running on the console. Uses obfuscated payloads. Baud rate is 115200 bps.

Memory map:

0x08008000256KB?Firmware ( fangate_updater.bin)
0x40023C000x1CFLASH ROM control
0xE000ED000x104🔗 ARM Cortex system control block

IR communications #

Packets are sent using IrDA-SIR (using ir:USER), with a 8N1 encoding (eight data bits, one stop bit, without parity). Each one is formed by a 2-byte header, a varint with the payload size, an obfuscated payload, and trailing error detection byte.

Layer 1 - framing format #

Frames are encoded using two different yet very simmilar formats, depending on how large the payload to be transmitted is:

  • For payloads with less than 64 bytes, the third byte represents the payload size.
  • For packets with up to 16383 bytes, the size is split in two bytes, with the third byte being the upper 6 bits of the payload size, OR’d with 0x40, and the fourth being the lower eight bits of the payload size
0x00Synchronization byte (0xA5)
0x01Reserved for future use (0x00)
0x02RFU (0)Short frame (0)Payload size
0x03Payload byte 0
0x03+n-1Payload byte n-1
0x03+nCRC-8-CCITT computer over whole packet

IR framing format - short frame

0x00Synchronization byte: 0xA5
0x01Reserved for future use
0x02RFU (0)Long frame (1)Payload size (upper 6 bits)
0x03Payload size (lower 8 bits)
0x04Payload byte 0
0x04+n-1Payload byte n-1
0x04+nCRC-8-CCITT computer over whole packet

IR framing format - long frame

The packet header is fixed and consists in a synchronization byte (0xA5), followed by a unused (possibly RFU) zero byte. After these two hardcoded bytes, there’s a varint representing the payload size, which may use one byte or two, depending on the how big the payload is.

In C:

uint8_t * setPacketHeader(uint8_t * buffer, size_t payloadSize) {
    assert(payloadSize < 16384);
    buffer[0] = 0xA5;
    buffer[1] = 0x00;
    if (payloadSize < 64) {
        buffer[2] = payloadSize;
        buffer += 3;
    } else {
        buffer[2] = 0x40 | (payloadSize >> 8);
        buffer[3] = payloadSize;
        buffer += 4;
    return buffer;

Payload #

The payload is obfuscated using a XOR-based encryption. In C:

void payloadObfuscate(const void * voidplain, void * voidcipher, size_t size) {
    uint16_t * plain = (uint16_t *) voidplain;
    uint16_t * cipher = (uint16_t *) voidcipher;
    size_t halfCount = size >> 1; // Divide by 2 rounding towards zero
    uint16_t xorval = htobe16(0xE963);
    size_t i;
    for (i = 0; i < halfCount; i++) {
        xorval ^= plain[i];
        cipher[i] = xorval;
void payloadDeobfuscate(const void * voidcipher, void * voidplain, size_t size) {
    uint16_t * cipher = (uint16_t *) voidcipher;
    uint16_t * plain = (uint16_t *) voidplain;
    size_t halfCount = size >> 1; // Divide by 2 rounding towards zero
    uint16_t xorval = htobe16(0xE963);
    size_t i;
    for (i = 0; i < halfCount; i++) {
        uint16_t word = plain[i];
        cipher[i] = xorval ^ word;
        xorval = word;

Error detection #

The trailing error detection byte is calculated using CRC-8-CCITT over the whole packet (both the header and the payload)

Layer 2 - “ircom” #

ircom is a simple stateful point-to-point master-slave communication protocol built on top of IR layer 1.

0x00Random value in range 0x01~0xFE
0x01Random value in range 0x01~0xFE
0x02Random value in range 0x01~0xFE
0x03Random value in range 0x01~0xFE
0x04RFU?Protocol version: 0x1
0x05Connection identifier of master (3DS), value determined by master
0x06Connection identifier of slave (NFC adapter), value determined by slave
0x07???Operation code
0x08+Payload (if any)
  • Random values are generated using a Mersenne Twister whose seed is based off the NFC adapter system tick counter. It is therefore random, and the 3DS won’t attempt to validate them by any means. Its purpose is to make every encrypted packet look completely different to the previous one. This makes a replay attack impossible without knowing the encryption algorithm.
  • NFC adapter will ignore packets whose protocol version is not 1. It will not even reply.
  • Connection identifier is a random byte the 3DS assigns to identify the connection should there be several connections in range at once. Slave devices must save this value from the initial handshake packet and use it for replies. The 3DS will also save the connection identifier byte of the slave which is also random. The 3DS must also ignore packets whose connection ID does not match.

Operation codes #

CodeNameHas payloadDirection
0x0Layer 3 commandYesMaster to slave
0xADisconnect requestNoMaster to slave
0xBDisconnection acknowledgmentNoSlave to master
0xCHandshakeNoMaster to slave
0xDHandshake acknowledgementNoSlave to master

Layer 3 #

Layer 3 is the payload of layer 2. A lot is unknown of this layer and thus a lot of assumptions were made in the following tables.

Layer 3 contains the following data:

0x00Request identifier nibbleAlways 0x1
0x01Slave/master identifier byte
0x02Request type code upper byte
0x03Request type code lower byte
0x04+Payload (if any)
  • Request identifier nibble is incremented by 0x1 at every new request by the master, the same value for this byte is also sent by the slave in response to the request of the master
  • Slave/master identifier byte is 0x1 for a message from the master and 0x10 for a message from the slave

Request type codes #

CodeRequest descriptionDirectionHas payload
0x0000ACKSlave to masterYes
0x0003Get firmware version and battery level of NFC adapterMaster to slaveNo
0x0004Firmware version and battery levelSlave to masterYes
0x0100Unknown, slave always responds with ACKMaster to slaveYes
0x0202Request to stop communication with NFC tagMaster to slaveNo
0x0204Get dumped data from NFC tagMaster to slaveNo
0x0205Data from NFC tagSlave to masterYes
0x0206Request to start communication with NFC tagMaster to slaveYes
0x0207Request to write data to NFC tagMaster to slaveYes

Payload #

0x0000 #

Acknowledgement message always send by slave. Payload always contains


0x0004 #

Payload contains firmware version and battery level of NFC adapter. Payload has a size of 6 bytes.

0x00Upper or lower byte of version number, newest firmware is 0x1
0x01Upper or lower byte of version number, newest firmware is 0x6
0x02Padding byte? Always 0x0
0x03Padding byte? Always 0x0
0x04Battery level. Values varies between 0x3 for full battery and 0x0 for empty
0x05Padding byte? Always 0x0
  • NFC reader LED already turns red when the battery level byte is 0x2, this will also trigger a low battery level warning on the 3DS

0x0100 #

The purpose of this request by the master is unknown. Slave always responds with ACK. Payload of this request is always 0x0003E8AA

0x0205 #

Payload contains data regarding NFC communication. The first byte of the payload means the following:

0x00NFC communication is stopped as a result of a 0x0202 request by the master
0x01No NFC tag on top of the reader
0x02Busy dumping NFC tag
0x03NFC tag dump after write by master
0x04NFC tag fully dumped
0x05NFC tag dump after write by master
0x07NFC tag not a NTAG215 or contains no Amiibo compatible data
0x08NFC tag removed from reader
  • After the tag is written by the master and dumped again, the first few dumps start with 0x03, this changes to 0x05 after a few dumps. The reason for this is unknown

0x0206 #

Request from master to start NFC communication. Payload always contains 19 0x0 padding bytes, followed by 0xC80300393A737486000001 and another 26 0x0 padding bytes.

0x0207 #

Request from master to write to NFC tag. The request packet already contains the desired data to be written to the tag. Payload start with two 0x00 padding bytes followed by the 7 ID bytes of the tag. These ID bytes are used by the NFC adapter to check if same Amiibo is placed on the NFC adapter again.

Samples #

NFC handshake beacons:

Layer 1 packetLayer 2 packetLayer 3 packet
A5 00 08 73 FE A5 C4 A4 2C A4 20 F59A 9D D6 3A 01 E8 00 0C
A5 00 08 D1 3E B7 7B B6 91 B6 9D 8738 5D 66 45 01 EA 00 0C
A5 00 08 09 58 23 36 22 DA 22 D6 AEE0 3B 2A 6E 01 EC 00 0C
A5 00 08 5E DD A4 A0 A5 4E A5 42 A8B7 BE FA 7D 01 EE 00 0C
A5 00 08 BC 19 C6 37 C7 C7 C7 CB 8B55 7A 7A 2E 01 F0 00 0C
A5 00 08 C9 15 F6 63 F7 91 F7 9D B220 76 3F 76 01 F2 00 0C
A5 00 08 6E 48 47 1A 46 EE 46 E2 C787 2B 29 52 01 F4 00 0C
A5 00 08 A2 8C E5 C3 E4 35 E4 39 744B EF 47 4F 01 F6 00 0C
A5 00 08 26 1C 07 10 06 E8 06 E4 64CF 7F 21 0C 01 F8 00 0C
A5 00 08 7E 73 A2 3F A3 C5 A3 C9 FD97 10 DC 4C 01 FA 00 0C
A5 00 08 75 00 F3 B8 F2 44 F2 48 639C 63 86 B8 01 FC 00 0C
A5 00 08 8D AC 0F D5 0E 2B 0E 27 7264 CF 82 79 01 FE 00 0C
A5 00 08 A3 55 7C 53 7D 52 7D 5E B24A 36 DF 06 01 01 00 0C
A5 00 08 15 06 43 C0 42 C3 42 CF 85FC 65 56 C6 01 03 00 0C
A5 00 08 66 E0 9A 17 9B 12 9B 1E A08F 83 FC F7 01 05 00 0C
A5 00 08 A4 35 09 97 08 90 08 9C 254D 56 AD A2 01 07 00 0C
A5 00 08 73 E2 BD AF BC A6 BC AA 609A 81 CE 4D 01 09 00 0C
A5 00 08 02 57 D7 B0 D6 BB D6 B7 28EB 34 D5 E7 01 0B 00 0C
A5 00 08 0D 79 01 AA 00 A7 00 AB 22E4 1A 0C D3 01 0D 00 0C
A5 00 08 14 91 04 B9 05 B6 05 BA B2FD F2 10 28 01 0F 00 0C
A5 00 08 2C 86 B1 49 B0 58 B0 54 C0C5 E5 9D CF 01 11 00 0C
A5 00 08 D5 1D DE DB DF C8 DF C4 F93C 7E 0B C6 01 13 00 0C
A5 00 08 AF 75 DE 5C DF 49 DF 45 9C46 16 71 29 01 15 00 0C
A5 00 08 C8 E2 5B C6 5A D1 5A DD B521 81 93 24 01 17 00 0C
A5 00 08 9B 51 68 2D 69 34 69 38 4172 32 F3 7C 01 19 00 0C
A5 00 08 13 7B 9F EF 9E F4 9E F8 32FA 18 8C 94 01 1B 00 0C
A5 00 08 A7 62 02 9C 03 81 03 8D BD4E 01 A5 FE 01 1D 00 0C
A5 00 08 39 06 94 36 95 29 95 25 09D0 65 AD 30 01 1F 00 0C
A5 00 08 32 4C D7 C0 D6 E1 D6 ED 92DB 2F E5 8C 01 21 00 0C
A5 00 08 83 BE F2 8F F3 AC F3 A0 B16A DD 71 31 01 23 00 0C
A5 00 08 83 5E A0 57 A1 72 A1 7E F06A 3D 23 09 01 25 00 0C
A5 00 08 6E C8 AD 69 AC 4E AC 42 D187 AB C3 A1 01 27 00 0C
A5 00 08 C7 33 A1 2C A0 05 A0 09 FC2E 50 66 1F 01 29 00 0C

External links #