Mii Maker

Mii Maker

Mii Maker lets you create Miis, and is the successor of the Wii’s Mii Channel.

It can transfer Miis over local wireless from other systems running Mii Maker (3DS/Wii U), or receive, but not send, from Mii Channel.

Wii Mii Channel transfer protocol #

The Wii beacons are similar to the usual multi-cart NDS beacons, except: beacon_type is zero, and payload size is 0x14. The payload data is just the Wii UTF-16 nickname, with some extra unused zero data. The usual multi-cast NDS protocol is used for sending the 3DS nick to the Wii. After many keep-alive frames, it eventually sends a bunch of frames, each containing the whole Mii. There’s a 6-byte header, followed by 🔗 Mii data. At the end of these frames like most NDS frames is the 0200 byte marker.

Mii QR Code format #

3DS Mii QR is a standard 57x57 pixel Level 10 High ECC QR code with ‘Mii’ logo in center (refer to 🔗 Denso-Wave Inc web site for QR Code format specifications). It contains 0x70-bytes of binary data. 3DS seems to have a fully implemented QR-code decoder, as it can interpret such Mii binary data being encoded even in the smallest possible for that data size Level 6 Low ECC QR code.

The data itself is encrypted with AES-CCM, xorpads can be determined from known plaintext here. The Mii Maker application uses the NS APT Wrap/Unwrap commands to encrypt/decrypt this Mii data. For the NS Unwrap command, the Mii Maker application uses nonceoffset=12, noncesize=10, and inputbuffer-size=0x60. Note that the actual nonce size is 8 bytes due to Wrap/Unwrap implementation, and the nonce data should be moved 12 bytes afterwards after decryption. The rest of the data at 0x8-0x5F is encrypted, and should be split into two parts after decryption, with the nonce data in the middle. (See Wrap and Unwrap for more information)

0x00x4Mii ID (big-endian 32-bit unsigned integer)
The most significant 3 bits determine whether the Mii is Special, Foreign, or Normal 1
time_offset = (mii_id & 0x0FFFFFFF) * 2;
time_offset is the time the Mii was created, represented as the number of seconds since 01/01/2010 00:00:00
0x40x4High 4 octets of MAC address 2
0x80x4Mii ID, the encrypted data begins here.
0xC0x8System ID (this ID is produced by the output from GenHashConsoleUnique(0x0))
0x140x2Low 2 octets of MAC address
0x160x2padding (0000)
0x180x2Bit-mapped: Birthday (4bit-day,5bit-month), Sex, Shirt, ??
0x1A0x14UTF-16 Mii Name (10 chars max)
0x2E0x2width & height
0x300x1bit 0: disable sharing
bit 1-4: face shape
bit 5-7: skin color
0x310x1bit 0-3: wrinkles
bit 4-7: makeup
0x320x1hair style
0x330x1bit 0-2: hair color
bit 3: flip hair
0x380x1bit 0-4: eyebrow style
bit 5-7: eyebrow color
0x390x1bit 0-3: eyebrow scale
bit 4-6: eyebrow yscale
0x3A0x2note that the bytes are swapped over (little-endian layout)
bit 0-3: eyebrow rotation
bit 5-8: eyebrow x spacing
bit 9-13: eyebrow y position
0x3C0x1Allow Copying
0x400x1Mii Sharing Value
0x480x14UTF-16 Author Name (10 chars max)
0x5E0x2CRC16 over the previous 0x5E
0x600x10AES-CCM MAC
  • QR codes made from the same 3DS for the same Mii are use the same AES-CCM nonce (you can recreate the xorpad by xoring with known values from this table).

Mii Database #

Created, received, or even met-in-multiplayer Miis are saved in CFL_DB.dat.

Savedata #

editSaveData.bin #

0x00x4“TIDE” header (EDIT byteswapped)
0xC0x4 (?)01000000 (constant?)
0x1000x4Number of scanned Special Mii QRs
0x104-Some data identifying each scanned Special Mii QRs, for the purpose of not making them scannable again. 8 or 12 byte each?

ExtData #

The ExtData File System for Mii Maker is as follows:

├── icon
├── boss
└── user
    └── ExBanner
        └── COMMON.bin
FileDetailsSizeFW IntroducedPlaintext
iconDuplicate from Application ExeFS. Always image 00000002.0x36c0 Bytes1.0.0-0🔗 Download
COMMON.binExtended Banner for Home Menu. Always image 00000003.0x20224 Bytes1.0.0-0🔗 Download