Size: 0x9000 bytes (effective size: 0x6000 bytes)
There’s one instance of this structure per core. The instance for the current core is aliased at 0xFFFF1000
Offset | Type | Description |
0x0 | u32[0x400] | N/A (unmapped memory) |
0x1000 | u32[0x1000] | L1 translation table (TTB1). The unused part of it is used as stack for exception modes other than supervisor |
0x5000 | u32[0x400] | N/A |
0x6000 | KThreadContext | Context for the scheduler’s thread |
0x7000 | u32[0x400] | N/A |
0x8000 | KCoreObjectContext | Currently used objects, see below |
Size: 0x1000 bytes
Offset | Type | Description |
0x0 | KThread* | Pointer to the current thread for this core |
0x4 | KProcess* | Pointer to the current process for this core |
0x8 | KScheduler* | Pointer to the current scheduler for this core |
0xC | KSchedulableInterruptEventLinkedList* | Pointer to the current instance of KSchedulableInterruptEventLinkedList for this core |
0x10 | KThread* | Pointer to the last thread having encountered an exception for this core, used when dumping FPU registers |
0x14 | u8[4] | Padding ? |
0x18 | KThread | Scheduler thread instance |
0xC8 | KScheduler | Scheduler instance |
0x2F0 | KSchedulableInterruptEventLinkedList | KSchedulableInterruptEventLinkedList instance |
0x300 | u8[0x874] | Unused ? |
0xB74 | u32[0x123] | Unknown stack |