HTTP service “http:C” #
Command Header | Available since system-version | Available from service-sessions | Description |
0x00010044 | 1.0.0-0 | Initialize | |
0x00020082 | 1.0.0-0 | Main-only | CreateContext |
0x00030040 | 1.0.0-0 | All | CloseContext |
0x00040040 | 1.0.0-0 | CancelConnection | |
0x00050040 | 1.0.0-0 | GetRequestState | |
0x00060040 | 1.0.0-0 | GetDownloadSizeState | |
0x00070040 | 1.0.0-0 | GetRequestError | |
0x00080042 | 1.0.0-0 | InitializeConnectionSession | |
0x00090040 | 1.0.0-0 | BeginRequest | |
0x000A0040 | 1.0.0-0 | BeginRequestAsync | |
0x000B0082 | 1.0.0-0 | ReceiveData | |
0x000C0102 | 1.0.0-0 | ReceiveDataTimeout | |
0x000D0146 | 1.0.0-0 | SetProxy | |
0x000E0040 | 1.0.0-0 | SetProxyDefault | |
0x000F00C4 | 1.0.0-0 | SetBasicAuthorization | |
0x00100080 | 1.0.0-0 | Context-only | SetSocketBufferSize |
0x001100C4 | 1.0.0-0 | AddRequestHeader | |
0x001200C4 | 1.0.0-0 | AddPostDataAscii | |
0x001300C4 | 1.0.0-0 | AddPostDataBinary | |
0x00140082 | 1.0.0-0 | AddPostDataRaw | |
0x00150080 | 1.0.0-0 | SetPostDataType(u8 enum) | |
0x001600C4 | 1.0.0-0 | SendPostDataAscii | |
0x00170144 | 1.0.0-0 | SendPostDataAsciiTimeout | |
0x001800C4 | 1.0.0-0 | SendPostDataBinary | |
0x00190144 | 1.0.0-0 | SendPostDataBinaryTimeout | |
0x001A0082 | 1.0.0-0 | SendPostDataRaw | |
0x001B0102 | 1.0.0-0 | SendPOSTDataRawTimeout | |
0x001C0080 | 1.0.0-0 | SetPostDataEncoding | |
0x001D0040 | 1.0.0-0 | NotifyFinishSendPostData | |
0x001E00C4 | 1.0.0-0 | GetResponseHeader | |
0x001F0144 | 1.0.0-0 | GetResponseHeaderTimeout | |
0x00200082 | 1.0.0-0 | GetResponseData | |
0x00210102 | 1.0.0-0 | GetResponseDataTimeout | |
0x00220040 | 1.0.0-0 | GetResponseStatusCode | |
0x002300C0 | 1.0.0-0 | GetResponseStatusCodeTimeout | |
0x00240082 | 1.0.0-0 | AddTrustedRootCA | |
0x00250080 | 1.0.0-0 | AddDefaultCert | |
0x00260080 | 1.0.0-0 | SelectRootCertChain | |
0x002700C4 | 1.0.0-0 | SetClientCert | |
0x00280080 | 1.0.0-0 | Context-only | SetClientCertDefault |
0x00290080 | 1.0.0-0 | Context-only | SetClientCertContext |
0x002A0040 | 1.0.0-0 | All | (u32 contexthandle) GetSSLError? This loads a value from state, this doesn’t seem to use any sslc command. |
0x002B0080 | 1.0.0-0 | Context-only | SetSSLOpt |
0x002C0080 | 1.0.0-0 | Context-only | SetSSLClearOpt |
0x002D0000 | 1.0.0-0 | Main-only | CreateRootCertChain |
0x002E0040 | 1.0.0-0 | Main-only | DestroyRootCertChain |
0x002F0082 | 1.0.0-0 | Main-only | RootCertChainAddCert |
0x00300080 | 1.0.0-0 | Main-only | RootCertChainAddDefaultCert |
0x00310080 | 1.0.0-0 | Main-only | RootCertChainRemoveCert |
0x00320084 | 1.0.0-0 | Main-only | OpenClientCertContext |
0x00330040 | 1.0.0-0 | Main-only | OpenDefaultClientCertContext |
0x00340040 | 1.0.0-0 | Main-only | CloseClientCertContext |
0x00350186 | 1.0.0-0 | Main-only | SetDefaultProxy |
0x00360000 | 1.0.0-0 | ClearDNSCache | |
0x00370080 | 2.0.0-X | SetKeepAlive (bool) | |
0x003800C0 | 3.0.0-X. | SetPostDataTypeSize (u8 enum, u32 size) (similar to SetPostDataType) | |
0x00390000 | 3.0.0-X. | Finalize | |
0x003A0080 | 8.0.0-X | SetKeepAlive? | |
0x003B0082 | 9.0.0-X | SetCrl | |
0x003C0080 | 9.0.0-X | SetInternalCrl | |
0x003D0080 | 9.0.0-X | SetCrlStore | |
0x003E0000 | 9.0.0-X | CreateCrlStore | |
0x003F0040 | 9.0.0-X | DestroyCrlStore | |
0x00400082 | 9.0.0-X | AddCrlToCrlStore | |
0x00410080 | 9.0.0-X | AddInternalCrl | |
0x00420040 | 9.0.0-X | RemoveCrlFromCrlStore |
TLS Root CAs #
Initially a HTTP context will not trust any root-CAs at all. Which root-CAs to trust must be explicitly specified via the add-root-CA service command(s).
RootCertChains can be used to easily select a particular chain of trusted root-CAs with multiple HTTP contexts, without having to re-send each of the root-CA commands for each HTTP context. The maximum number of RootCertChains that can exist for an user-process, is only 2.
When using the context-specific RootCA commands such as HTTPC:AddTrustedRootCA where HTTPC:SelectRootCertChain was already used, the cert will just be added to the selected RootCertChain.
ClientCert Contexts #
These are basically the same as RootCertChains except for TLS client cert+privk. The maximum number of ClientCert-contexts that can exist for an user-process, is only 2.
Error codes #
Error code | Description |
0xd8a0a03c | Failed to verify the HTTPS server’s TLS certificate. |
0xd8a0a046 | This is returned by HTTPC:Initialize when no network connection is available(or at least when wifi is disabled via Home Menu on New3DS). Seems to be caused by DNS lookup failure( SOCU:getaddrinfo returning an error). |
0xd8a0a049 | Seems to be caused by a socket connect() timeout error? |
0xd8a0a066 | This indicates that the context handle is wrong. |
0xd820a069 | This is returned when the call times out (with any call with a timeout arg) |